Sunday, July 26, 2015

What do you want from the Next Generation of Smartphones?

Wireless / Solar Charging

Wireless Qi charging has been slow to take off in phones but holds some good potential for convenience. There is no reason why solar charging couldn’t be incorporated directly into a smartphone in the future. There is already glass that can be used as a solar panel but remains see through so this could well be adopted for phone screens in the future. It could be a good way to help recharge phones and prolong usage times.

E Ink Display

E Ink displays use very little power and have been very successful on smart watches enabling them to last for days on end without the need for a recharge. There are drawbacks to using this technology on a phone as e-ink isn’t very good for watching animated pictures or graphics but it could solve that constant need to recharge our phones. It may even be possible to combines two screens onto the phone, one for all your graphics heavy content and another E Ink screen for messages, notifications and updates.

Modular Smartphone (Memory, Camera, etc)

Modular smart phones are already on the way and this looks to be helpful in letting users customize their phones for different needs, improving the camera, adding extra memory or processing power and even allowing for specialist sensors to be incorporated. Will this become main stream and how would you customize your phone.
Project Ara

Cloud Computing / Processing

Cloud processing is available for computers and laptops so why not use it for your phone, taking the burden of processing away from a phone could improve battery consumption and performance and with 4G network speeds this could be the next logical step.

Holographic Display / Projector

Projecting a holographic display or message, much like R2D2 did in Star Wars, could revolutionize chatting on the phone, playing games or even viewing films. Wouldn’t this be cool to incorporate into your phone?
These are but just a few of the future possibilities in store for smartphones, but there is huge amount that could be done. What are the features you would most like to see and why? please add your suggestions below, we would love to hear them.

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