Odds have it that you already heard about the newest trend on the gadgets market- the Android TV. While we absolutely don’t want to make this article about what the Android TV is and how are its numerous, miraculous uses, we shall still provide you with some definition.
The Android TV is basically a smart TV- one of those fabulous TVs that allows you to connect your TV to the internet via wi-fi. These TVs are pretty much Android smart phones taken to the next level- the big screen.
So, what you can do with an Android TV? All the things that you can do on your tablet of smart phone and all the things that you can do with your regular TV. That means that you can watch TV programs as well as connecting to the internet and using your favorite applications, including gaming, online streaming apps, Skype, Facebook, online shopping apps, Youtube and everything else.
For the sole reason of the smart TV being such a complex device, you can replace a good bunch of electronics with this one product. For example, you can skip buying a new video player and instead simply watching all the movies you want directly on your TV from the internet. The same thing works with gaming- you don’t necessarily need to have a gaming console if you have a smart TV. You could simply connect your phone to your smart TV and play your favorite games directly.
There are several options that you can use in order to connect your Android Smart Phone to your smart TV and, consequently, to be able to play your favorite video games on the big screen.
So, let’s see how to connect your smart phone to the TV in order to be able to play games.
Connect via:
Mini- HDMI
Not many phones come with a mini-HDMI port, but if your phone does, then this is your lucky day. There is nothing simpler than connecting your phone to the smart TV. Usually, Sony or Motorola phones will have this function.
Now, all you have to do is taking a HDMI Cables and a mini-HDMI to HDMI cable, connect those and then put the smaller end into your phone and the larger one into the TV.
And here you go, your TV is now connected to you smart phone.
MHL/ HDMI adapter
This adapter is the saving solution for those who don’t have a mini-HDMI adapter built-in to their smart phones. It works the same way as the mini-HDMI.
If you don’t want to purchase a cable or you simply don’t fancy the idea of connecting your phone through a cable, you can simply mirror your displays.
One of the most recent apps that can help you mirror the displays is Chromecast . You just have to install it on your devices and then connect them and here you go- you’ll have your smart phone display casted on the smart TV.
Chromecast can be purchased for $35.
Another way of connecting your devices is using Clik . This app is actually quite similar to Chromecast and it does quite the same thing.
As well, if you have a Samsung Smart TV and a Samsung Galaxy phone, you can mirror your smart phone display very easy with the help of Samsung’s AllShare program, which will allow you mirror and pair any Samsung devices.
You do have to choose between wired and wireless ways of connecting your devices. While wireless is a lot more comfortable than the wired option, using cables to connect your smart phone to the TV can prove to be a little cheaper, especially if you are lucky enough to have the cables included in your original smart phone package.
Once you’ve done this pairing, you are ready to play your favorite games from the smart phone on your TV.
The actual gaming is no different than playing on the small screen- the only notable difference is the fact that you have all the benefits of the big screen at your pinky finger.
If you do plan on playing games with other friends, you should be aware that everything that might normally appear on your small screen will now appear 100 times magnified on the big screen. Therefore, you should make sure that you’re not receiving any personal texts or emails. As well, make sure that your smart phone’s display isn’t going to deactivate too soon- if it does, the TV screen will deactivate as well.
Also, if you plan on gaming for a long time, plug in your charger, as you don’t want your smart phone to shut in the middle of the game.
In conclusion, the TV screen will now act like its your smart phone’s screen, without any kind of notable difference.
Due to this thing, games in landscape mode will appear in landscape on the TV as well and the same works with the portrait mode one.
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